Monday, November 29, 2010



I know some of my readers may get squeamish at the sight of blood so this is advance warning that this blog post contains graphic photos of cutting and bleeding!


The following photos are from my cutting scene the other night, the host was gracious enough to send them to me.

Thank you, to everyone who participated in this scene, it was the first time and I fell in love with cutting so it is likely to not be the last time.

My shoulder is healing nicely, the lines are distinct and there is zero redness or sign of infection. I expect to be fully healed in the next week.

I am blessed with the ability to heal fast! Even though I have deliberately irritated it to ensure scarring it is already very obvious that I be recovered completely within a week.

My entire body is sore and aching today from the scenes on Saturday, I spent a good amount of the night completely tensed up and today I feel it in my arms, legs, back and butt.

Ok Photos... ready? Those of you who are scared covered your eyes?


The blood trickled and pooled, I coagulated quickly and we had to scrub at it later to make it bleed more.

"You will feel me cutting the skin in a swirl now."

Pretty picture! This is now framed art on my wall!

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Amazing night.

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