Thursday, March 24, 2011

EVERYBODY loves a great BJ

Ok I just remembered this for no specific reason and had to share!

My first Dom, love him forever he is so awesome. Had an aversion to the word BLOWJOB! Me, being the ultimate brat girl that I was (still am given the right situation) would casually drop the words BLOWJOB and BJ into everyday conversations.

Example? Why I would LOVE to give one.

Out for dinner at a friends for birthday cake, singing happy birthday, song ends, I call out "give it a good BLOW, job" I was highly amused, so was he but he also blushed furiously.

Tip for any subby's out there, embarrassing your Dom.... not the brightest idea.

I couldn't help myself really, I always was a lil shit disturber.

When asking my Sir what he would like for dinner, "and can I get you a BJ with that?"

The punishments with this Dom were always just that... punishment BLEH. To this day I will never find knitting to be a pleasant task, especially when gagged by will.

So there you go, my humourous laugh of the day.

Have a great one! (bj)

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