Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Goddess's Unite

I have read this morning of a discrimination charge. You can read about it here.

To my disgust they have defended the employees action stating that it was a lack of knowledge. Really? Then the training program is at fault and they should reeducate every single one of their employees!

I would like to see this woman compensated for this.

I remember breast feeding all 3 of my children, it was a beautiful experience and 13 years ago (when I last nursed a baby) mothers were still being discriminated against.

I remember being in a restaurant that my husband and I frequented, I was always discrete and would put a blanket over my shoulder.

I had the restaurant manager come to my table and advise me that a special seat had been arranged for me where I could more comfortably feed my baby. I followed him as he led me to the ladies room and pointed to an inadequate chair (it had high arms) that had been placed next to the hand dryer. I was appalled and protested, but was informed that I was not allowed to feed my child in the main portion of the restaurant and if I persisted he would ask me to leave.

I did leave and took my entire family with me and never went back. I made sure I told the story to anyone I possibly could even spending several days out front of their restaurant with my child in my arms telling anyone who walked towards the doors not to attempt to feed their baby inside because they would be directed to the bathroom or to the exit.

The memory of discrimination will never leave me. There were other times and other places where feeding my babies made me feel like a criminal. Eventually I just started asking people do you like to eat? Do you want to sit here and deny the right of my child to eat? Usually they would go away or give me a strange look like the thought hadn't crossed their mind! I had some tell me that I must give my child a bottle when in public. I would give them an angry look and say, I have the perfect containers for my babies milk, in the perfect quantity and perfect temperature. BACK OFF!

There were a lot of supportive people as well, mostly other breastfeeding moms who were going through the same thing. We all may have done things a bit different but we all agreed breast was best.

I am shocked and rather dismayed that in today's world there is a single bit of this type of discrimination going on. It is one of those moments when I am grateful for the internet and the fact we can gather information like this.

Goddess's unite! Our great-grandmothers didn't burn their bras and march on parliament so we could sit here and quietly take it as others steamroll over our rights. We are better than that, and dammit we better stand up and shout continuously and in a long strong voice together. We will not tolerate this behavior.

I would like to see people carry whistles. And when a person is being discriminated against, they should blow the whistle, long and loud, so everyone around them can hear it. Everyone should all start blowing their whistles and on and on until everyone is blowing their whistles and pointing and staring at the offending person.

Then all stop and in the silence after the whistle, have one person quietly read Section 15 (1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. and Section 28 of the Charter. The offending person is now properly educated and must issue an apology immediately. The offending person would then be permitted to continue their day and hopefully never transgress again.

In my world there is no gender, no colour, no creed and religion. We are all human and all lovable, we all have the same rights and freedoms.

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