Monday, September 12, 2011


One must always obey when told, "Girl! Go put your face to the wall and bare your ass, HE has something for you." I hesitated only a moment before obeying. It wasn't really my desire to submit but my love of pain and my undying curiosity LOL.

She sidled up to me before anything happened and told me what was going to take place. I only had a brief moment of fear, then relaxed. I knew this was a risk I wanted to take and while mildly edgy it wouldn't kill me. I didn't tell her about my brief experience as a child because I realized it didn't matter what happened when I was four years old, not more than 3 decades later.

He was meanwhile lining up behind me. I could hear the crowd murmuring behind me. Suddenly FWAP and I felt a little poke. It didn't stick and fell to the floor.

One more time (and I called out, ok hurry I am beginning to loose my nerve!) this time I felt a dull thud and looked back to see the dart sticking out of my ass. It didn't hurt just felt mildly peculiar. He wiggled it around inside me and I wiggled my bum at him. I could feel a small surge of endorphins making me giddy.

Then he grabbed hold and pulled it out. The sting of an alcohol wipe came next. It actually hurt more than anything else and I laughed at that.

My first experience with a blowdart and all the feedback I could give was, "Next time lets do my boobs!"

He was great making sure the bleeding stopped before I wandered away into the party.

Of course now I was fired up and ready to play so I moved on to my first play session of the night.

It was a good night!

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