Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I do not think I am a complex person really, I have some very basic needs and desires. I am for the most part very capable of expressing my needs. I am also extremely capable of finding people to fulfill the needs and desires I express.

I am finding myself wanting something I have never wanted before. From someone I never expected to desire that way.

Surprises are abounding.

I am not sure what to do.

I have extended an offer I have never before offered and I am nervous about it. Not nervous that this person will accept.. nervous that they won't.

I am opening myself up to a new concept. I am attempting to be vulnerable.

I am terrified. Me. The girl who has the world by the tail, who is always competent and strong and who knows what she wants, is considering allowing someone else to lead a little.

Just a little. Now I await the response.. anxiously.

Risky business indeed.

1 comment:

  1. I do wish for you every good thing that you hope for by having made that offer.
