Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Club

A change in plans Saturday had me attending a new venue. Here are my impressions of the club and what I experienced while being fondled and cuddled in the lap of my sexy friend.

The floors uneven boards throb beneath my feet like a living being as the music grinds out a powerful beat. I step carefully as I feel the sexual energy charge the air until it fairly crackles around me.

I am escorted on a small tour, dance floor that is currently empty, two cages on the upper level. My eyes light up seeing them and imagining the sexy bodies will soon undulate inside them.

Next level, couchs, tables, chairs all strewn casually about. The bar takes up one side, I ask my date and he picks us up drinks. Soda in hand he shows me the dungeon. I recognize the furniture and smirk at it. There is a vendor selling his wares just outside.

The club is very empty of people yet and we claim a spot on a couch. I sit and watch the people arriving. So many costumes! I feel very under dressed. I mention this to my friend and he is reassuring.

I snuggle up to him, settling in to watch and feeling mildly overwhelmed. It is always good to have a guide on such ventures.

The crowd increases and I begin to feel the primal urges that run like an undercurrent through the event.

The girls are amazing, strange exotic animals, that prowl through the club. I am drawn to the raw power I feel exuding from several and joking with my escort about how I want this one or that one for my birthday.

The men are shocking to but in a different way. They seem subdued, most dressed all in black. I enjoy the trannys and the queer men as the best eye candy. They are the most creative and eye catching.

There are a few people I know. I say hi to nearly all of them, but mostly just watch all the people around me.

The crowd eddys and swirls and I catch sight of the same delectable people several times. It is hard to focus on any one thing and am left with scattered impressions.

This girl in silver is incredibly sexy, I have an intense longing to beg to worship her. There is a girl all in white that fascinates me for some reason I can not comprehend. Another girl is twirling her hair and I am mesmerized. Yet another girl is doing a sexy dance for two boys at once. I can only remember her panties in camoflage and the lovely butt that they graced.

I of course was also distracted by the person who held me in his lap. I think I simply straddled him and gawked around at the people for over two hours. He took full advantage and used teeth, nails and pinches to keep me suitably entertained and on the hard edge of arousal, much to my delight.

I counted the stripes on a female friends stockings and took pleasure in making her squirm from tickles. And felt up a cute young man in shiny black rubber pants.

More happened, I know it did but I shall never remember it all and the things I have mentioned are the strongest memories. Funny how this writing seems as scattered and disjointed as the whole experience felt. I just couldn't seem to focus on anything specific and couldn't seem to get my bearings all night long.

I had to be flying quite nicely when we left as I became completely turned around and would surely have become lost had I not had someone with sense to guide me. Although I appear to be directionally challenged when I am around this person. As we went shopping at fetish clothing stores the next day and I became hopelessly lost again. But not to the same degree of feeling like I was constantly travelling in the incorrect direction!
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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